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487 人参与  2023-09-22 13:37:22  分类 :在线问答题库

( )是苏格拉底的嫡传,也是把苏格拉底思想发扬光大并加以体系化改造的最杰出的希腊哲学家。

柏拉图认为在可感事物组成的可感领域之外,还存在一个由真实的理念组成的( )

柏拉图认为一事物之所以是一事物,是因为它分有了它的( )

“理念”可以被视为以下哪一项( )

柏拉图把( )的理念确立为整个世界的最高原则,它甚至超乎“存在”之上,但一切存在都从它来。

历史上最早的乌托邦见于柏拉图的( )

他的政治学说开创了西方政治思想中乌托邦主义的传统。这个人是( )

柏拉图认为世界的本源是( )

柏拉图关于理念的学说在哲学上有一个非常重要的进步,因为它是强调( )这一问题的最早的理论。

柏拉图所谓的“哲学王”必须具备( )

柏拉图的主要著作包括以下哪些?( )

柏拉图认为,神根据至善至美的原则创造出唯一的世界,把生命和灵魂赋予世界,用( )和( )来统辖处于运动变化中的万事万物。


王阳明是明朝中期儒学的代表人物,他把理学发展到一个新的阶段,号称( )

王阳明认为“是非之心,不虑而知,不学而能,所谓良知也”,强盗也有良知,他们不愿意人们叫他强盗,说明他还知道强盗这个词是不好的;又说:“知善知恶是良知,为善去恶是格物”。据此可以判断,王阳明强调的核心是(  )

王阳明认为,天下第一等事是( )

王阳明是古代( )代表人物。

在王阳明心学中,关于主意与工夫的关系描述错误的是( )

王阳明所谓的在“事上磨炼”,是( )

关于良知,王阳明认为( )


下列属于道家学派的人物有( ) ①孔子 ②孟子 ③老子 ④庄子

庄子名周,是( )时期的道家代表人物。

庄子,道家学派代表人物,伟大思想家、哲学家、文学家,传世之作是( )

成语“庄周梦蝶”出自( )

故凫胫虽短,续之则忧;鹤胫虽长,断之则悲。”这句话是为了说明( )的观点。

关于庄子的记载主要是在司马迁《史记》中的( )文章。

以下典故是关于庄子和他朋友惠子的是( )

老子、庄子关于“道”的哲学的核心观点是( )

以下理论属于庄子的是( )

庄子认为精神自由有两个层次,分别是( )


提出“我思故我在”的命题,被称为近代哲学之父的哲学家是( )

斯宾诺莎认为神是( )

斯宾诺莎认为思想和广延是( )

在身体和心灵的关系问题上,斯宾诺莎认为,人的身体和心灵彼此独立,又先定地协调一致,这就是斯宾诺莎的( )

斯宾诺莎的最重要著作是( )

近代西方哲学公认的三大理性主义者( )

以下是斯宾诺莎的著作的是( )

在斯宾诺莎的学中,他认为( )是人类心灵的两大基本要素。



康德的三大批判不包括哪一项?( )

下列关于康德的说法,错误的是( )

关于康德哲学,下列选项正确的是( )

康德曾指出,“人应该摆脱感性的现实世界,应根据理性重塑绝对律令。”在西方人文主义的谱系中,此语反映的思想最早可追溯至( )

在启蒙运动中进一步提出“思想自由”的思想家主要是( )

关于康德的纯粹理性,说法错误的是( )

学术界通常都以( )年为界限,把康德哲学思想的发展划分为“前批判时期”和“批判时期”。

下列关于康德思想的表述,正确的是( )

康德是近代西方哲学史上划时代的哲学家,是因为( )

被并列称为三大“永不休止的哲学奠基人的是( )



提出“人能思想的苇草”的西方哲学家是(   )

帕斯卡尔是( )思想家。

《思想录》与其说是一本书,更贴切地说应该是帕斯卡尔写的有关( )方面的一些笔记。

帕斯卡尔把“火之夜”发生的事情,记下来的东西叫做( )

后人为纪念帕斯卡尔,以他的名字来命名( )的单位,“帕斯卡”,简称“帕”。

尼采是( )哲学家。

提出“上帝死了”与“重估一切价值”口号的著名哲学家是( )

郭沫若在留学日本期间曾受到泛神论哲学思想的影响。其中,对他影响最大的哲学家是( )

第一位将尼采思想引介到国内的学者是( )

下列哪些是尼采的著作( )

以下哪些说法体现尼采早期的哲学思想( )



马克思主义最重要的理论品质是( )

“城门失火,殃及池鱼”的故事说明了( )

马克思主义哲学区别于一切旧哲学的最主要的特征是( )

唯物辩证法的根本方法是( )

马克思主义认识论的首要的基本的观点是( )

马克思和恩格斯合著的著作有( )

作为一个完整的科学体系,马克思主义理论体系的三个主要组成部分是 ( )

马克思主义产生的直接理论渊源是( )

空想的最杰出的代表是( )



葛梯尔是当代( )著名哲学家。

以下是葛梯尔著作的是( )

关于庄子的记载主要是在司马迁《史记》中的( )文章?

以下典故是关于庄子和他朋友惠子的是( )

“故凫胫虽短,续之则忧;鹤胫虽长,断之则悲。”这句话是为了说明( )的观点。

柏拉图的生死年( )

柏拉图的理念体系主要体现在他的( )著作中。

从认识论的角度看,柏拉图的两个世界,一个是可感的对象,另一个是( )

为解决知识问题,柏拉图还提出了比回忆说更加精致的( )学说论证。

王阳明认为,天下第一等事是( )。

王阳明是古代( )代表人物。

帕斯卡尔于( )病逝于修道院中。

《思想录》与其说是一本书,更贴切地说应该是帕斯卡尔写的有关( )方面的一些笔记。

后人为纪念帕斯卡尔,以他的名字来命名( )的单位,“帕斯卡”,简称“帕”。

斯宾诺莎认为神是( )

康德的三大批判不包括哪一项?( )

马克思一生最重要的两大理论发现是( )

( )将尼采称为“最后一个形而上学家”。

庄子认为精神自由有两个层次,分别是( )

以下理论属于庄子的是( )

“古希腊三贤”是指( )。

在古希腊语中,柏拉图(platus)一词有( )等意思。

柏拉图的主要哲学思想有( )

柏拉图曾通过( )两种方式来说明理念是如何派生事物的。

关于良知,王阳明认为( )。

以下是斯宾诺莎的著作的是( )

在斯宾诺莎的学中,他认为( )是人类心灵的两大基本要素。

马克思和恩格斯合著的著作有( )

马克思主义理论体系不可分割的三个主要组成部分是( )

属于尼采晚期著作的是( )。









马克思和恩格斯合著的第一本著作是《德意志意识形态》 。







































通过划拨方式出让的国有土地不包括( )。

第二轮全国土地利用总体规划目标划定的2020年耕地保有量目标是( )。

( )是规划条件的关键要素,也是控制用地开发与工程建设的重要强制性指标,其变更需要经过严格的论证与程序。

土地管理部门在办理用地过程中,若确需改变建设用地规划许可证核定的用地位置和界限,必须与城市( )商议并取得一致意见,保证修改后的用地位置和范围符合城市规划的要求。

设计方案审核可将其视作建设工程规划许可的( )阶段,既可以减少建设单位项目工程设计中的反复修改和重大调整,又有利于提高规划行政许可效率。

在城市、镇规划区内以划拨方式提供国有土地使用权的建设项目,经有关部门批准、核准、备案后,建设单位应当向城市、县城乡规划主管部门提出建设用地规划许可申请,由城市、县城乡规划主管部门依据控制性详细规划核定建设用地的( )核发建设用地规划许可证。

公益性建设项目,建设项目属于提供的社会公共产品,基本采用划拨用地方式供地。适用于( )等社会公益性项目的建设。

“多审合一”改革包括( )。



建设单位应当在竣工验收后 个月内向城乡规划主管部门报送有关竣工验收资料。

市规划管理部门受理的建设工程竣工规划验收项目,受理窗口应当在 天内,填写《建设工程竣工规划验收工作联系单》转送验收小组。

未取得建设工程规划许可证或者未按照建设工程规划许可证的规定进行建设的,由 责令停止建设。

《民用航空法》规定禁在依法划定的民用机场范围内和按照规定划定的 ,修建“可能在空中排放大量烟雾、粉尘、火焰、废气而影响飞行安全的建筑物或者设施。



违法占用 等进行建设要坚决进行打击。





各地可在乡镇国土空间规划和村庄规划中预留不超过 的建设用地机动指标。

1984年,颁发了《城市规划条例》,这是新成立以来,城市规划专业领域的第一部基本法规,标志着( )。



村庄规划在报送审批前,应当经 讨论同意。

在乡、村庄规划区内进行 建设的,建设单位或者个人应当向乡、镇提出申请,由乡、镇报城市、县城乡规划主管部门核发乡村建设规划许可证。

乡村建设规划许可的内容应包括对 等的要求。




[a,b]q (其中q是有理数组成)的全体聚点的是[a,b]。



下面的开区间集能够覆盖闭区间[0,1]的是( )。



第一换元积分法又称“凑微分法”,下面结果错误的是( ).

下面的不定积分计算正确的是( ).

假设 在上有定义,下列结论正确的是

若在上可积,那么 在上也可积

若f在上可积 ,则无论常数a b c 取值如何,均成立

函数在[a b]上的平均值


对于任意的a>0,下列结果正确的是 ( )

下列结果不正确的是 ( )



下列在[a,b]上函数一定不可积( )






you’d better finish your self-introduction within _________.

what are the basic elements in a resume?

which of the following should not be highlighted in your self-introduction?

in the mode of “star”, the letter “s” stands for ________.

when you are asked “why do you apply for this post?” in the job interview, the interviewer is actually asking about ________.

which of the following should you do in the job interview?

how to describe our relevant skills, qualifications, experiences, achievements and rewards in the resume?

in the mode of “star”, the letter “a” stands for ________.

which of the following is not a frequently-asked question in the job interview?

when making a resume, you can put your job intention _________.

we can apply for different positions with the same resume.

in your self-introduction you should introduce your own achievements instead of your team achievements.

during the job interview, we can ask the interviewer directly our future salary or promotion since we are really interested in it.

as for the length of a resume, the longer the better.

don’t speak with too much facial expression and too many gestures in the job interview.

if the ownership of the companies is not open to the public, we call them _______.

which of the following statements is not the advantage of working for a state-owned company?

which of the following competencies are not included in the “4cs” of core competencies?

the functions of personnel department may exclude _______.

which of the following statement is not correct for a ceo of a publicly held company?

which of the following statement is not correct for a publicly held company?

which of the following statement is not correct for a company structure?

some companies are ‘not-for-profit’ which provide much required services to those in need, and derive from the following organizations except _______.

the following statements are usually related to language competence except _______.

the followings are responsibilities of a sale manager except _______.

the classification of company is based on the different types of ownership of the company, and also the aims and objectives of the owners.

most of the influential top revenue enterprises belong to the type of closely held company.

within a business, an organizational structure allows people to know exactly who is in charge of whom and what any given person’s responsibilities are.

a job title can either describe the level of the position, or the responsibilities of the position.

5. a company structure chart will show the jobs, listed by job title, the reporting structure, and company management.

we should not say “________” when we answer the phone.

if the one you want is not available on the phone, you can take a message by leaving some basic information except ________.

if there is something wrong with the phone or telephone line when you make a call, you can use the following expressions except _____.

if you ask for someone during a business call, you can use the following expressions except _______.

when introducing yourself, you should not say: “__________.”

at the beginning of a business call, you should introduce yourself by _______.

during the business call, if you are not so sure about the information, you can say the following sentences except ________

you can end a business call by using the following expressions except _______.

when making preparations for a business call, which of the following is not right?

a business call should not be longer than 1 minute.

during the business call we should stick to the subject and do not allow the conversation to drag out with meaningless chatter.

when you feel necessary to make a business call, pick up your phone immediately in case that you forget.

you should try to speak as loud as possible on the phone so as to make yourself heard clearly.

in business calls if the person you want is not available, try to leave a message as detailed as possible.

the following is a checklist of major elements essential for meeting effectiveness except _______.

the _____ is responsible for seeing that the planning gets done, not necessarily for doing it.

there are some of the drawbacks of meetings except ________.

_____ may record review of the past activities, new decisions and polices, and provide the decision-making process.

_____ is a written record to be kept for future reference.

during the meeting, what should a chairperson first do?

the following are why meetings are held except _______.

contact can be as simple as sending everyone a friendly reminder through office e-mail, phone calls, or a post card reminder through the mail.

as a chairperson, before holding a meeting, you needn’t decide who should attend and what the purpose of the meeting is.

it is ok that you begin a meeting five to seven minutes after it was scheduled.

it is not necessary to stick to the agenda during the meeting.

a well-planned agenda, posted ground rules, and using a bin can help meeting run effectively.

the first step in planning a business trip is to ____________.

if there is no flight or ticket available in your request, you can ask for other choices by saying “_______”.

four aspects are usually considered by the travelers when choosing a hotel: atmosphere, location, services and ______.

while receiving visitors, a receptionist should first find out _________.

the receptionist should keep a register which includes date, time, name and ________.

first impressions can help to do the following things except ___________.

which topic is traditionally taboo when talking to strangers?

many corporate guests like to eat in their hotel rooms so they can ________.

the business center at the hotel ________.

if you really need to go on a business trip, consider the following to plan an efficient trip, except _______.

before you start your business trip, to make a art planning is very essential.

all the countries have the same stipulations on the items to be declared.

while checking in, you can’t have any special requirements for the room.

while receiving visitors, the receptionist should introduce the executive to the visitor first.

while having all talk with the visitor, remember to choose safe topics for your talk.

in the first place, the speaker should do the__________in the company presentation.

this sentence good morning and thank you for making the effort to be here with us today. please allow me to briefly introduce myself. my name is.... is the sample for presenter to do________in the company presentation.

to be effective, the speaker’s message must be passed to the listeners which means__________.

for the use of language, attention the following points: vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, fluency and ________.

in the very beginning, a brief introduction is always given. it should include at least four pieces of information: what you’re going to talk about; how long you’ll take; _____________; whether you’d welcome questions during your talk, or only at the end.

when describing graphs and trends, the line graphs, bar graphs, _________are the most favorable options.

which of the following can help to encourage the audience’s attention?

the following items should be included in the body of a company presentation except ________.

the following tips can help you to avoid being nervous before giving a presentation except _________.

a company presentation refers to a spontaneous speech given to the target consumer for marketing purposes on behalf of listener’s own company.

the basic elements in a company presentation could make sure it is an effective presentation.

the speaker should be responsible for the content and clarity in a company presentation.

body language and eye contact are called nonlinguistic techniques.

company history, location and key personnel can’t be omitted in the company presentation.

before a product presentation, the presenter should have a clear idea about the _______ of the presentation.

understanding the customers’ _______ is important to a successful product presentation.

how to keep a product presentation short?

what should be avoided when giving a product presentation?

which of the following is not the way to keep a presentation “real”?

which can help to attract the audience’s attention when giving a product presentation?

usually a formal product presentation includes 6 parts: introduction, outline, body, summary, conclusion and question & answer session.

a good product presentation should be given from the point of view of the buyers.

when giving a product presentation, the presenter usually introduces such information as outlook, size, weight, material, features functions, price, guarantee and warranty.

it is unnecessary to have practice before giving a product presentation.

when giving a product presentation, eye contact may help to attract the audience’s attention.

which of the following statement related to the three elements in a balance sheet is not true?

the following statements are usually related to the features of a good business presentation except ______.

for every business, which of the following is not included in the three important financial statements?

suppose you are the manager of a chinese company preparing for an interview with a foreign reporter about the company’s business performance, select the items that you would not like to cover in the interview.

________________measures the profitability of the company during the year. it shows the difference between revenues and expenses.

_________________is a record of the actual changes in cash compared to the income statement. it shows you where the cash was brought in and where the cash was diursed.

________________are outflows from delivering or producing goods or services that constitute the entity’s ongoing major or central operations.

_________________create revenues, expenses, gains and losses.

_________________ increase and decrease long-term assets.

which of the following statement does not describe changes and trends of the company performance?

for publicly held companies, periodic financial reports are required by law.

when an investor understands the income and expense components of the income statement, he or she can appreciate what makes a company profitable.

expenses are outflows of economic resources including cost of goods sold, selling, general and administrative expenses, tax expense, interest expense, etc.

cash flow statement is a record of the actual changes in cash compared to the income statement. it shows the firm’s cash inflows and outflows from operations as well as its investments and financing activities.

before you deliver a speech to introduce business performance, you should know your material, statistical documents of your company.

winston churchill achieved fame for his wit, wisdom, civic duty, and abundant courage.

albert einstein and thomas edison were both very art in their childhood.

abraham lincoln's abundant courage enabled him to succeed despite all the misfortunes in his life.

sandra day o'connor was rejected from the law circuit because she was from a poor family.

according to the author, many artists, writers and stateen achieve prosperity because they are very lucky.

most cities in the country have introduced "clean air zones" _____ factories and households are only allowed to burn okeless fuel.

he knows that the ______ of social status can consume vast amounts of his time and effort.

the doctors are at a loss because so far no medicine has been found to _____ the spread of the disease.

thomas edison is often cited as an example of a great inventor who would never yield to hardships in his quest for new inventions and deserve his _____ success.

they are ______ of unconventional attitudes toward marriage and the changing roles of the sexes.

she was totally wrapped ____ in her painting whenher father came to tell her that there was a phone call for her.

when his mother was in the hospital producing his sister, he was very excited - _____ anticipation of having a cute baby sister.

most scientists in the world today firmly believe the effective means to stop global warming is to reduce emissions of air _____.

earthquakes have plagued our lives and resulted in great damage to the human beings for as long as people have ____ the earth.

miss world organizers claim on their official website that ____ are judged on qualities other than just their physical appearance.

after being grabbed off the street by nazis, audrey hepburn escaped because she was unbelievably beautiful.

as an anonymous refugee, audrey hepburn was totally baffled by life’s horrors and fragility.

audrey hepburn valued academy awards most.

when she was trying to complete her missions, audrey had to provide a lot of emotional care and was always confronted with dangerous tasks.

audrey emphasizes the inborn beauty of a person which can never be acquired in growth and cultivation.

news media worked overtime to ________ the country as open and "ready" for all nuclear discussions.

we provided information to site administrators about typical functions of ________ library programs.

we just go on in our habitual ways until we are stopped short by one of the many illnesses that ________ our civilization today.

then you do believe in god, but you guess that i do not, and you fear that the admission of your true belief would ________ your chance of employment.

mrs. cummins, very ________ in her duties, watched the whole process with a sensitive eye.

look, we're about to ________ the last and final stage of our academic careers together.

to promote particular organizational values, and encourage high levels of informal communication, the managers can attempt to lead ________ example.

one reason that i may be the last person in manhattan without a cell phone is that i ________ the excitement of coming home and finding a call light flashing.

when you get the right role, you want to stay focused; you want to ________ yourself as much as you can.

the burdensome trip described in para. 1 is to deny the benefits of modern aviation.

according to para's 2-4, we travel not because we need to, but because we want to.

people travel to leave all their troubles behind, however, ironically, their mind is most likely to solve their most difficult problems when they are in a distant place.

travelling can help loosen the cognitive chains that imprison us and can grant us new and open insights into the world around us.

that people need distance and differences for creativity is the real purpose why people travel.

it was all too easy, when one was young, to ________ the future in the excitement of the present.

it will be noted that the improved visibility of this warning light does not completely ________ the increased tendency to make an error during the night.

it is difficult to ________ of such thinking taking place without the growth and development of intellectual ability.

the world of the ________ is to do with success, status, respect, money, desires of all kinds, and fears, that lead to unhappiness.

just as women now demand for themselves greater freedom to express different ________ of themselves, so too do some men, although not nearly so many of them.

one of the features of auto-immune diseases is that they ________ within iniduals and sometimes within an inidual's family.

competition for limited resources is an inevitable feature of life so long as reproduction occurs in the context of ________ supplies.

in studying children's pictures, a wide variety of ________, personal, and cultural factors needs to be taken into account.

if the product does absorb moisture or ________ water, discard it.

the author uses the example of "an obese child" to vividly prove that westerners think chinese parents raise kids without courtesy.

the western parents want to protect their children from critici because they worry about their children's worries instead of their bad performance.

chinese parents demand perfect grades because they believe that substandard performance is a reflection that the kids do not work hard enough, and will not be successful in the future.

western parents think that children are not born because they want to come to this world. instead, their parents force life on them. children don't owe their parents anything.

according to the author, western parenting method is more beneficial to children's success in the future because parents try to respect their children's iniduality and provide a positive and nurturing environment for them.

now it is a national charity employing 20 people centrally and ________ the work of 400 coordinators employed around the country.

it is ridiculous that a man who has no claim on the world's attention should nonetheless be able to exact (强求) full ________ from his wife.

it advises artists to ________ from oking or eating while painting, to use face masks and to provide adequate ventilation (通风) by means of an extractor fan.

the committee was satisfied that minor incidents of misconduct or ________ of the chairman had been well handled by the directors within the rules.

the form of social control is more ________, aiming to reintegrate children and families into society rather than to rescue children and punish parents.

it was not simply a matter of exporting enough to pay for necessary imports, as contemporary economic ________ often suggested.

but just how long it takes for the heat to flow out will depend on how well your home is ________ and draught proofed.

what they contested was the ________ that moral reform could be achieved through a centralized program.

waller was argumentative, ________, and sometimes outspoken, but he had a sense of humor and he retained a childlike delight in science throughout his life.

it was clear that some of the disturbances were triggered by the ________ actions of local residents.




会计基本职能是( )。

企业财务会计与管理会计区别有( )。




下列哪种不属于会计核算的方法( )。


下列关于收入说确的有( )。

在会计核算时,一般应该选择( )计量属性。



企业应当以实际发生的交易或者事项为依据进行确认、计量和报告,这体现了( )原则要求。






下列各项目中,属于负债类的会计科目是( )。



会计账户左右,分别用来登记账户的增加额和减少额,所以说,账户两方登记金额( )。

通过银行转账发放职工工资84000元,会计分录是( )。


收回客户前欠货款4000元,会计分录正确是( )。



企业取得银行贷款会导致( )。





生产车间发生的制造费用经过分配之后,一般应记入( )。

下列各项费用中,不能计入产品生产成本的是( )。

对于一般纳税人企业,下列各项内容中,符合收入要素确认要求,应确认为企业主营业务收入的是( )。

与营业收入相配合进而确定营业利润的成本、费用包括( )。

下列税金中,不应计入存货成本的是( )。

企业支付的行政管理人员工资应计入( )。










隐匿或者故意销毁依法应当保存的会计凭证、会计账簿、 财务会计报告,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。











“待处理财产损溢”账户期末余额( )。

财产清查按照清查的时间可分为( )。

导致企业银行存款日记账余额小于银行对账单余额的未达账项是( )。

下列可以采用实地盘点法进行清查的有( )。

对于盘亏的财产物资,经批准进行处理,可能涉及的借方账户有( )。

盘盈的库存现金,经批准进行账务处理,可能贷记下列( )账户。

财产物资的盘存制度有( )。

发生下列情况时,企业要进行全面清查( )。

对于盘盈的固定资产的净值,应贷记的会计科目是( )。

企业实行股份制改造前,为了明确经济责任,应进行( )。

根据我国的会计准则,利润表采用的格式为( )。

以“收入-费用=利润”这一会计等式作为编制依据的财务报表是( )。

期末“预收账款”明细账如果有借方余额,应将其计入资产负债表中的( )项目。



在编制会计报表时,以“资产=负债 所有者权益”这一会计等式作为编制依据的会计报表是( )。

下列不能通过资产负债表了解的会计信息是( )。

下列报表中,不属于对外财务报表的是( )。


下列各项中,应根据相应总账科目的余额直接在资产负债表中填列的是( )。

下列账务处理程序中,被称为最基本的账务处理程序的是( )。



科目汇总表账务处理程序的特点是( )。

汇总记账凭证账务处理程序的特点是( )。

各种账务处理程序在做法上的相同点是( )。



下列属于记账凭证账务处理程序的优点有( )。

下列不属于汇总记账凭证账务处理的特点的是( )。

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