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721 人参与  2023-09-22 12:52:25  分类 :优课联盟题库
unit 1 love

1.1 an american way of dating随堂测验

1、heather and kevin have been dating for______.
    a、2 months
    b、3 months
    c、6 months
    d、12 months

2、heather and kevin first met each other ________.
    a、in a class
    b、in asia
    c、in a restaurant
    d、in a sports center

3、kevin decided to date heather because heather was ______.
    a、his classmate
    b、an excellent student
    c、sitting next to him
    d、interesting and intelligent

4、how would heather and kevin pay for the meal that night?
    a、they would go dutch.
    b、heather would pay for it.
    c、kevin would pay for it.
    d、kevin would pay 2/3 and heather 1/3.

1.2 a chinese way of dating随堂测验

1、why was daming late that day?
    a、he was hurt on the way.
    b、he had to repair the second floor window.
    c、he was prevented from going out.
    d、he had to meet someone else first.

2、what did daming's mother expect him to do that day?
    a、to visit her friend.
    b、to meet her friend's daughter.
    c、to stay in his room.
    d、to finish writing his poem.

unit 1 love



3、"shut sb. up"意思是?



unit 1 love

1、请用英文谈一谈你对“love makes the world go around"这句话的理解,要求不少于60个单词,录音并上传平台。

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